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We rent everything under the sun!
Serving the area since 1972 . . . 706-866-6845 . . . 1999 LaFayette Road, Ft. Oglethorpe, GA
What are the benefits of renting? If you have an upcoming project at home, planning a wedding, a large party, or banquet, you might be worried about where you will get the supplies, equipment, and tools. Rather than going out to buy various items that you will likely only use once, you should consider renting the supplies or equipment. There are several advantages to going this route, resulting in you being able to easily get the job done. Benefit #1 - You can save money. Why pay high prices for party supplies and equipment that you will only use once? Rental rates are priced by 5 hour and 25 hour periods. Most items can be rented for the weekend for the daily cost. Benefit #2 - We only rent high quality products. As a buyer, you want to save money, which means you might be tempted to buy a lower priced/lower quality product to use for your project or special occasion. In most cases, by renting you can pay a lower amount for a high quality product instead of spending more money for lower quality equipment. Benefit #3 - We store and maintain the equipment for you. Typically, do-it-yourself projects or special occasions only need items for a few days, so finding a permanent place to store it is not needed. This means you can save room in your garage, spare room, or storage unit. Benefit #4 - We help deter your procrastination. Let's face it...we're all human. If you were to decide to buy equipment for your do-it-yourself project, you might not even unbox it or you may choose to put it in storage until you decided to use it. After all, there would be no pressure to complete the project since you can "get around to it" anytime. Most equipment rentals are loaned out by the hour, day, or week, so every moment that you do not complete the project may cost you money. So, we're here for you! Spend less, enjoy our well-maintained, quality equipment, and get-it-done fast!!
Renting...the smart way to get things done!

© 2024 Dependo Rent-all

Design by Lee West Design